Wolf Lingerie obtains the PME+ label

July 01 2021

Obtaining the PME+ label recognizes the concrete actions carried out by the company, such as reducing its impact on the environment with the gradual use of eco-responsible materials, the choice of suppliers/subcontractors offering first-class social and environmental guarantees, professional equality between men and women, etc.label PME+ reconnait les actions concrètes menées par l'entreprise, telles que la réduction de son impact sur l'environnement avec l'utilisation progressive de matières écoresponsables, le choix de fournisseurs/sous-traitans offrant des garanties sociales et environnementales de premier plan, l'égalité professionnelles homme/femme, etc.

The Group's CSR approach is supervised by General Management and led by a multidisciplinary team representing the main CSR issues (brand/upstream/trade/HR).

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